PLANS for 14 homes on agricultural land in Thruxton have been rejected for being an ‘unjustified development in the countryside’.

Orchard Homes’ third bid to build on land just opposite to Stanbury Close have been thrown out by Test Valley Borough Council planning officers.

Planners previously refused the developer's second application in July 2023, stating it would have a “marked, urbanising effect” on the site’s current rural landscape and open character.

Orchard Homes sought to address the concerns raised by changing the height of the proposed buildings and revising its landscape plans which aimed to “enhance the development site in its setting through the landscaping scheme” and “enhance the development site in its setting through the landscaping scheme”.

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It added: “It is considered the revised proposal therefore respects the character of the surrounding area. The scheme has incorporated a number of design features to ensure that the surrounding character is respected and enhanced such as reductions in height.”

However, on Tuesday, March 26, borough council planners rejected the latest application.

They stated: “The proposed development on this site would have a marked, urbanising effect on in its current rural landscape and open character. The elevated nature of the site would enable views of the proposal from a number of public viewpoints including from the public right of way, Stanbury Close, Lambourne Close and Amesbury Road.

“The proposed development, by virtue of its location and scale, would have an overbearing impact on the neighbouring properties.”

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Planners also raised concerns about the lack of convenient parking for future occupiers.

Thruxton Parish Council objected to the application stating: “Large elements of the public comment submitted concerning this and previous applications express great concern with regard to the unsafe access through Thruxton village to this site. Nor do any off-road linked cycle or walkways exist to other local facilities. Given the non-existent facilities in Thruxton Parish and the inadequate infrastructure to support the present population this application cannot be considered 'sustainable'.”

In 2022 the parish council held a meeting with representatives of the developer over a previous application to build 26 homes on the site – this proposal was later withdrawn.