HAS anybody thought why our volunteers are so valuable to different organisations?

Some charities, clubs and many organisations could not work without their support.

Volunteers are everything to many organisations. I have been told we would not be anything without our volunteering family to help us.

This also promotes some volunteers by building job confidence. For young volunteers, putting this on their CV and job references is good for them.

For older people it is socialising and not being on their own, also making new friends and not feeling so alone.

Volunteers can bring a wide range of skills as they may have previously worked with many different types of organisations or businesses. So being in the 21st century where people are pressurised due to being in constant communication with their work, also with the internet. A lot of organisations now work from home.

People have less time to give to relax, commitments to family, careers and work makes volunteering an understandable low priority.

As we progress through this decade, no club or charity can exist without these individuals willing to help these organisations. Finding volunteers to be able to take on these positions is so valuable to these clubs and charities, they are always needing a secretary, treasurer or some to be a leader. If these organisations, clubs or  charities cannot find volunteers to fill these roles it could mean that there is less monetary support for the work that they all do.

It is very hard for them all which is essential to maintain our way of life and for helping others who are less fortunate.

The main part of this is that if you are retired you might want to fill one of these roles. You may not realise that you have so much to offer to those that may not be so gifted or have not had the opportunities in life to learn practical skills.

I know since Covid, organisations have found it very hard to keep going.

Volunteers are worth their weight in gold.

So maybe you might want to contact different organisations to see what way you could help and support them, it could be in a charity shop, hospital, gardening, talking newspaper, woodworking skills, model railways. Please do not hesitate to ask what way you could help. They will welcome your support with open arms.