ANDOVER residents can finally breathe a sigh of relief as work has begun to fix the long-standing issue of missing and wobbly bricks on the High Street.

Borough councillor Iris Andersen has been on a campaign to highlight the increasing number of missing bricks on the High Street, which pose a safety risk to pedestrians and wheelchair users.

After persistent communication with Hampshire County Council, her efforts have finally paid off with contractors arriving to fix the issue.

"I have reported this so many times because I simply couldn't ignore the state of our pavements any longer," Cllr Andersen said.

READ MORE: Halifax branch on Andover High Street to close in July

Andover Advertiser: Missing or loose bricks on Andover High Street are marked by a white dotMissing or loose bricks on Andover High Street are marked by a white dot (Image: Contributed)

"The missing and loose bricks posed a serious trip hazard, especially for residents with mobility issues.

"Obviously, the wet weather that we have been experiencing hasn't helped either."

She pointed out the numerous 'dots' of missing bricks throughout the High Street, with areas around the Guildhall being particularly concerning.

"As a local councillor, it was frankly disgusting to see the state of our town centre," she added. "Safety is very important to our residents."

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She said contractors have started the work from bottom of the High Street where Halifax building is located.

Cllr Andersen also clarified Test Valley Borough Council only owned a certain number of footpaths in town, and Hampshire County Council was responsible for all walkways in the High Street.

Hampshire County Council has been contacted for a comment.