PLANS to build a logistics park on Harewood Farm – which currently has permission for 180 homes – have been revealed.

Matthew Raymond has lodged a ‘request for screening opinion’ with Test Valley Borough Council to ask whether an Environmental Impact Assessment should be submitted for a future application.

The proposal is for up to 37,500 sqm of B8 (storage and distribution) use, together with drainage, parking and associated access, infrastructure, and landscaping.

A sketch within the application states that the floorspace could be split between three buildings, with the maximum height of 15 metres.

READ MORE: Plans for 180 homes given the go-ahead - six years after they were submitted

Andover Advertiser: Harewood Farm. Inset, a sketch of how the site could be laid outAccess is proposed onto the B3400 London Road utilising a fourth arm to the new roundabout that serves the Picket Twenty development. An emergency access is also proposed onto Ox Drove.

The application states: “It is located within an area of landscape change, where significant development has taken place in recent years on land to the south of the site (Picket Twenty) and to the north/northeast (Picket Piece). An area of land to the north, on the east side of the existing Walworth Business Park, is also identified as an employment site. The site, which is roughly triangular in shape, is therefore almost entirely contained on two of its three sides by existing, new and proposed areas of development.

“The development will clearly change the character of the area, but given that the site is well contained, within the settlement, and in an area of landscape change, it is considered that any impact would be localised and could be assessed through the submission of an appropriate landscape and visual appraisal in the subsequent planning application.”

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An application for 180 homes on Harewood Farm was given the go ahead last year – six years after the application was submitted by Mr Raymond

Mr Raymond was seeking permission since 2011 to build on the portion of land in London Road, Andover Down, with the current application being submitted to Test Valley Borough Council in 2017.

The scheme will be built in two phases – the first will be for 60 houses, along with roads, ancillary structures and landscaping, with access, appearance, layout, scale and landscaping reserved matters.

Phase two is for the remaining 120 dwellings, which is just outline planning permission and all matters reserved.

In 2015, outline planning permission for 180 homes was approved, before this, in 2013, 150 dwellings were approved on appeal.