ANDOVER students showcased their incredible talent during their summer dance showcase.

Andover College hosted the performance, A Night at the Movies, at The Lights, which invited guests to experience an array of dances all drawing inspiration from well-known movie titles such as, Django, Black Panther and The Hunger Games; themes of which were carried throughout the choreography, costume and stage management to bring each story to life. 

The performance, on Tuesday, May 14, followed five weeks of hard work, giving students the opportunity to come together and work towards a common goal as both first and second year pupils performed in the show.

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Andover Advertiser: Andover College students during their dance performanceDance lecturer Alicia Barnett said: “Our annual end of year dance show was themed Night at the Movies and was a success with the diverse dance styles and lots of professionalism demonstrated during the performance. The students worked really hard to produce an outstanding show that they should be proud of, as am I. 

“The show had great feedback from the audience who thoroughly enjoyed this performance with the wide range of movies and lots of talent. We were supported by Andover Youth Dance Company who performed five routines with their competition team.

“Also, a big thank you to all the performing arts department for the continuous help to make this show happen, especially stage management.”