Britain is now officially anti-Brexit, yet remains trapped in a Brexit monopoly, offering no vote, and a ruinous fate the majority has rejected.  The right to change your mind through choice is fundamental. Brexit or nothing is not democracy.

Politicians claim they’re honouring the will of the people as expressed in 2016. What’s their excuse for dishonouring the will of the people NOW?  Because now is what matters - or did democracy die in 2016? Only in dictatorships is the will of the people manacled unchanged by force. Yet this is how Brexit survives – not by people’s will, but by political will. The Brexit monopoly has withdrawn the right to change your mind, and eroded the human rights and electoral and civil liberties that threaten it. Brexit’s so-called ‘justification’ is that the advisory referendum was democratic. But… if the right to change your mind through choice is the basis of democracy, then that right extends to Brexit. If not, Brexit isn’t democratic. The 2019  election between two Brexiters, Johnson and Corbyn, did not, and could never, confirm Brexit. So please, let’s not keep re-running that phoney argument – or the even more preposterous one, that another vote would be anti-democratic.     

We’ve had Brexit chaos for seven years, time enough for proper reflection.  And indeed, the people have properly reflected. Brexit is a calamitous failure. Labour’s projected victory is not because its pro-Brexit nonsense is popular, but because the Tories are beyond contempt. If  Brexit goes unchallenged, democracy is broken and we are all disempowered. Our fate depends on the courage of other parties offering us the vote now on this great existential matter. If, through experience, the people vote to overturn Brexit, that surely has greater force and truth than the 2016 referendum based on lies and propaganda.

Jennifer Godschall Johnson

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