THE Crown Prosecution Service has dropped an attempt to confiscate money from a man convicted of organising a robbery from jail.

Christopher Doughty, 63, is serving 14 years for organising from his prison cell the robbery of an elderly woman at her home in Leckford near Stockbridge in March 2020.

The two actual robbers, Eriks Valants and Jed Martin, were each jailed for 10 years in 2021.

The sentencing hearing last November heard the incident had left the victim feeling extremely vulnerable.

Andy Houston, prosecuting, said: “She was scared of being physically hurt. They stole items including irreplaceable jewellery. She said it made her feel extremely sad. Damage done to her windows left her feeling utterly violated."

READ MOREMan found guilty of helping to plan robbery from prison cell

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When Doughty was jailed the court heard that a Proceeds of Crime Act hearing would take place in April.

Mr Houston, at Winchester Crown Court on Friday, May 17, said the CPS had wanted to initiate proceedings against Doughty but financial inquiries had been made by the police and found that Doughty had no "available assets".

The CPS has written to the court saying it is not going ahead with proceedings.

Doughty had been due to be brought from prison for the hearing in Winchester on Friday.

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Mr Houston said Doughty was aware of the CPS letter and had refused to attend court.

The trial last year heard that Doughty made a series of phone calls and sent text messages to Valants and Martin around the time of the robbery.

The jury was shown a police interview with the victim, Mrs Hunt, where she described being tied to her staircase and a pillow put over her head. 

They stole cash and jewellery including a Cartier ring, Omega watch, three-string pearl necklace, and David Morris pearl and diamond necklace with matching earrings. A Military Cross medal from the Second World War was also taken.