St Mary Bourne

Ruth Widén

DURING the June meeting of St Mary Bourne Parish Council, the following matters were discussed:

Bourne Valley Flood Mitigation Group: Sarah Cooney and Clem Jones had prepared detailed reports about flooding and sewage matters in Stoke and St Mary Bourne for forthcoming flood meetings in Vernham Dean.

Pavilion: Following a meeting between parish councillors and the cricket club about necessary repairs, treatments and new kitchen fittings, the option of replacing the entire pavilion was discussed. The clerk would investigate sources of grant funding, three builders would be asked for estimates, and pavilion users would be informed about the council’s ideas.

Affordable housing: After the exhibition arranged by Hyde Housing of the plans for the proposed Bell’s Field development, no further update from Hyde Housing had been received. A detailed critique of the proposed development had been received from a parish resident. The chairman of the Long Term Planning Group (LTPG) had written offering to discuss conclusions from the Neighbourhood Plan process. During discussions, concerns were raised about sewage provision, ambiguities about rent and shared ownership issues, and parking spaces. The clerk will contact Hyde Housing to clarify these matters.

Dog control: A local farmer had raised concerns about some dog walkers’ attitudes when asked to keep their dogs under control. Separate concerns had been raised by parishioners about dog fouling, particularly in the area of the children’s playgrounds. On the dog fouling issue, it was felt that only a minority of dog owners didn’t clear up after their dogs, and child dog walkers had possibly not been educated to do so. The school should be encouraged to get the message across.

Defibrillator: The fitting of a device outside the shop, near the recreation ground and village centre, was agreed in principle. Cllr Ray Randall would consult with Derrydown Clinic on what is suitable for ‘public use’. Neighbourhood Plan (update): Cllr Katie Dixon reported on a meeting arranged with Andrew Rushmer, Senior Planning Policy Officer of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, and representatives of the LTPG for suggestions on the way forward for the Neighbourhood Plan. She outlined his detailed recommendations.

Finance: The internal audit report had approved all categories. Cllr Hugo Wurzer will assist the clerk with potential risk issues in future.

Lake: Barbed wire had been cut in two locations and an unknown (non-syndicate) fisherman had been challenged by a resident. Cllr Colin Henderson would inspect the damage and advise on repair.

Footpaths: The grounds maintenance contractor would be asked to attend to the footpath from Spring Hill to Breech Farm.

Highways — Gangbridge Lane (near Butlers Farm): A work order by Hampshire Highways had been issued to rectify problems of traffic being forced onto a very crumbly riverbank with the potential for vehicles to fall into The Bourne.