AT the December meeting of Nether Wallop Parish Council with Cllrs Michael Atkins, Ian Carpenter, Lynne Curry, Helen James, James MacDonald-Smith and Edward Souter (chairman) together with Test Valley Borough Cllr Peter Boulton, the clerk and one member of the public in attendance the following topics were discussed:

Nether Wallop’s new village hall: Viv Blandford described the draft application for the Nether Wallop’s new village hall. Planning must incorporate the compliance simplified building energy model. There are two options: photovoltaic (pv) panels or two air source heat pumps. The hall trust recommends the pv scheme which gives a pay back over 20 years. A revised planning application would have to be made for 13 panels as the original plan had only three panels. The conservation officer and building regulations have been involved to make sure the plan complies with policy. A resolution in support of the application which would be made in the name of Nether Wallop Parish Council was passed. In addition to the delay in obtaining planning permission a demand for an amended fee of a further £500 has been made. Contact would be made with the borough council’s planning office.

Post meeting, the chairman has heard from Peter Boulton that this application would be a ‘Variation on a Condition’ to the existing planning permission granted. The cost of processing this is £195.

Highways: The chairman reported on the speed restriction on Hollom Down Road and road closure due to temporary road repairs. The ditches in Bent Street have now been dug and there is also work being done near Knockwood.

Playing fields: Ian Carpenter reported that a water leak at the pavilion has been repaired. The play area requires two or three more bags of bark in the spring. Refurbishment of the pavilion is urgently needed. Ian recommended the installation of showers and some research would be done.

The play area could be extended with a possible grant from the borough council.

Ian reported that the majority of dog walking / fouling seemed to occur between 9.30 - 10.30am. Helen James has spoken to the dog warden who suggested that the situation could be monitored the same day once a month.

A plaque from the borough council has been received for the tennis court and this would be installed. Some more tensor wire around the court itself is required and this would be purchased. James MacDonald-Smith wished to give a vote of thanks for the new bench on the court which has been donated by the Souters.

Village Green: The tents require repair. An estimate of £1,200 has been received from the company who made them. Income received this year totalled £1,800. As a general rule two quotes for any expenditure over £500 would be obtained by the Village Green committee and need to be passed by the council.

Nether Wallop Village Hall Trust: Helen James reported that building tenders were going out to five contractors. Michael Atkins said that these would be brought to the council for consideration.

Correspondence: The chairman reported that the Citizens Advice Bureau had advised of changes of offices and asked for a donation.

Test Valley School at Stockbridge had written to thank the council for their sponsorship of the annual prize. Janet Pettitt attended the evening and it was evident that the council’s input is valued. Matters raised by councillors: The annual parish meeting would be held within 14 days of the May election.

Lynne Curry mentioned that Hants Fire and Rescue are running a free information service in Stockbridge regarding defibrillators. A presentation would be set up at a future council meeting.