Vernham Dean Parish Council

Karen Nightingale

AT the March meeting of Vernham Dean Parish Council, attended by Cllrs Di Brignell (chairman), Mary Perry, John Garbutt, Roger Smith, Michael Knight, Julie Drury, Haydn Watkins and Richard Winch, the following topics were discussed:

Footpaths: A parishioner brought the council’s attention to the fact that the footpath linking the school to the village hall had been installed despite the fact that he, as the landowner, had not given permission. He was advised to write to Test Valley Borough Council stating that he understands that they are liable should any damage be incurred on the ancient chalk wall and also that if any person was injured as a result of the wall crumbling or falling he would not be held liable. It is also understood that the borough council will be responsible for mowing the lawn either side of the path.

Multi Use Games Area (MUGA): The installation of the MUGA is now complete and the only outstanding item is the painting of the lines which will be done as soon as the correct temperature is reached. Membership fees have been published and bookings are now being taken. A grand opening event is due to be held on 31 May and will feature a sports tournament on the new court. Other fundraising events are planned throughout the year. The Playing Fields Association’s (PFA) chairman and the team were congratulated on this achievement.

Meetings had taken place between the treasurer of the PFA and the clerk to agree the process of paying for the MUGA. Grant money will be released upon invoice receipt and paid to the council. The money will then be paid to the PFA. The bank has confirmed the size of the cheque is not a problem. The chairman of the council signed the lottery application form at the beginning of the meeting.

An additional premium of approximately £300 is payable if the council wish to insure the court and fencing and floodlights for accidental damage. The clerk to check with the insurers how they stand if vandalism occurs.

Football pitch: The installation of a new picnic bench has had an impact on the boys football pitch. The goals will be moved in the summer. Another team had approached Roger Smith about using the pitch. The clerk referred to the constitution which specifies that use of the facility is for parishioners.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL): John Garbutt drew attention to the change in Section 106 funding for outdoor space. It is being changed to the CiL. The consultation process ends on 8 May. The council will need to draw up a new list of projects to ensure they continue to receive funding. The clerk to forward the email from the borough council to the PFA chairman. A sinking fund will be established to cover long term maintenance costs.

Commemorative bench: Mary Perry informed the council that the family of Michael Wittingham wished to have a commemorative bench in his name in the village. The pond was suggested as a possible site subject to the agreement of the immediate neighbours. Mary is to follow up.

Date of next meeting: On 11 May the annual parish meeting will be followed by an ordinary meeting.