Nether Wallop Parish Council

Pippa Grob

AT the March meeting of Nether Wallop Parish Council, with Cllrs Michael Atkins, Ian Carpenter, Lynne Curry, Ross James, Helen James, James MacDonald-Smith, Edward Souter (chairman), Test Valley Borough Cllr Peter Boulton, the clerk and one member of the public in attendance, the following topics were discussed:

Planning: For application ref 14/03002/VARN, the chairman reported that the revised plan for the building of the new village hall has received full planning permission. Details of the letter received from the borough council were read.

Highways: Ross James reported on the junction improvements / pedestrian crossing at Salisbury Lane / Station Road. The work would take seven to eight weeks and has a delayed start date of 23 March.

Playing fields: Ian Carpenter reported that adult exercise equipment could be purchased from Wicksteed Ltd. After some discussion a chest press was suggested. The price list brochure would be researched and a final decision made.

Lynne Curry enquired on the criteria of Section 106 payments. This would be circulated.

Lynne enquired about the refurbishment of the pavilion and Ian Carpenter recommended the installation of showers. James MacDonald-Smith recommended painting of the building. A meeting would be held to discuss this and the chairman proposed that any decision be ratified by the new council elected in May. Helen James proposed a strategic plan of refurbishment and assets to be spread over a four year period. This was seconded by Lynne. Curry who would like to include the village hall project. It was agreed that this may be taken up once the new council is in place.

The gate at the entrance to the playing fields is off the hinges.

Nether Wallop Village Hall Trust: The chairman reported on an email received from Viv Blandford informing him that specifications for the new village hall have been sent out to six sets of builders, responses should be received within two weeks.

Matters raised by councillors: The chairman outlined the timetable for the election with the publication of notice of election being 27 March. Packs have been received. The nomination process was explained and forms should be given to the clerk as soon as possible. Hand delivery of these forms to the offices of the borough council is mandatory. The deadline for receipt of nomination forms to be received by the borough council is 9 April. New councillors would be encouraged and a notice would be sent out on the village email.

A decision on the purchase and installing of a defibrillator in the village would be deferred until the new council is in place.

James MacDonald-Smith enquired whether there had been any formal notification of the May Fair and whether there are any insurance implications for the council. An approach to the organisers would be made.

Points from the floor: Sue Hodges spoke on behalf of eight residents of School Lane concerning the proposed new dwellings by Green Gables. The chairman replied that nothing can be done until the formal planning application is raised. As it stands getting permission for a change in agricultural land to residential use is not easy. James MacDonald-Smith advised Sue to speak to the owners of Green Gables direct to obtain further information.

Dates of future meetings: The next monthly meeting will be held on 13 April. The first meeting of the new council will be held on 18 May. The annual parish meeting will be held on 27 April. The chairman thanked all for attending.