I WOULD be grateful if you would allow me to say a few thank yous for the help we received for our arranged fundraising collections at Sainsbury’s (Bridge Street), Tesco, River Way and at Asda.

The collections were £59 at Sainsbury’s, £205 at Tesco and £388 at Asda on 11, 12 and 13 February respectively, making a total of £652 which has enabled our branch to meet its fundraising target of £10,000 for the financial year.

I would particularly like to thank David Windebank, our vice-chairman, and my wife, Dorothy who, together with myself, each spent seven hours in total on the collections.

I would also like to thank Alan Hasler whose help at Tesco is so much appreciated.

My other thanks are extended to Laurie Broadhurst and the TTs 4x4 band who played for us at Asda store on 13 February. Their splendid music certainly boosted our collections at the store.

Jan from Customer Relations at Asda also deserves a mention for her help and kindness with the organisation.

Finally, a big thank you to all the customers at the stores who put money in our tins. Their support is greatly appreciated.

Lt Col Brian Page, Chairman, Andover & District branch, British Heart Foundation.