AT the January meeting of Nether Wallop Parish Council with Cllrs Ian Carpenter, Jon Cotterell, Lynne Curry, Ross James, James MacDonald-Smith, Edward Souter (chairman), the clerk and four members of the public in attendance the following topics were discussed.

Finance: The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) presented the budget for the coming year. £1,000 had been included for pavilion repairs. Reserves as at 31 March 2017 are estimated at £10,000. The recommended level of the General Reserve is 50% of total income, or about £7,000. Councillors discussed the possible distribution of the excess money. Future new village hall expenses should only comprise utilities, insurance, payment of bookings clerk and cleaner plus the purchase of household items.

No budget figure for hall income was included, however the chairman presented a hall projected income and expenditure table which showed a total income of £4,430 to match proposed expenditure. A grant of £1,000 has been received from Hampshire County Council to help fund the river bank repairs on The Green which should total £2,200. Due to the sound management of maintenance of rights of way by their Footpaths Officer there have again been no expenses except for equipment service / fuel this year. The budget was proposed by the chairman and seconded by James MacDonald-Smith with all in favour.

It was recommended by the RFO that the precept remain at £12,500 and this was proposed by Ross James and seconded by Jon Cotterell with all in favour. The RFO gave a vote of thanks to Rodney Shoesmith who continues to prepare monthly reports and complete accounts on a voluntary basis.

Village Green: Ian Carpenter reported that the weather was holding up and that the work on the bridge would soon be completed. Turnout for Carols on the Green had been good.

Nether Wallop Village Hall: The chairman reported that the minutes of the Trust meeting had been emailed to all councillors. The Trust is now in winding down mode. The council has officially taken over control but the Trust is still managing the financial side and working on the snagging list. Mr Blandford would give the council a tour round the hall after the meeting and would forward a check list for opening and closing the hall to be distributed to all councillors.

A management committee comprising the chairman and Ian Carpenter, Ross James and Lynne Curry plus Trevor Johnson and another would be formed. A bookings clerk has been appointed and a cleaner would be approached. Anthony Whitaker (bookings clerk) together with the chairman is working out a system. The website information needs tweaking. Software may need to be purchased and Anthony Whitaker would speak to Jon Cotterell direct. Points from the floor: A resident of Old Stockbridge Road, Kentsboro wished to discuss the increased traffic there due to the supermarket and petrol station which has made the junction particularly busy. Speeding is also a problem. She questioned the possible purchase of land there which may be used to provide a potential traffic calming system. James MacDonald-Smith explained that the MOD owns a corner of land where a roundabout is being considered. However nothing would be done without a public consultation and both Over and Nether Wallop councils’ involvement. County Cllr Andrew Gibson would be approached both by the resident and the council.

Date of next meeting: The next monthly meeting date will be held on 13 February in the Nether Wallop Village Hall at 7.30pm.