I AM writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed leisure centre application 16/03191/FULLN.

I find the whole planning and consideration to the Andover users farcical.

Firstly, we do not seem to have had any consultation with users / user groups or residents of Andover.

Also, there does not seem to have been any discussion with users of interim provision of sports and swimming facilities over the estimated two-year build. I am also mystified as to why the new centre is reducing facilities, ie eight badminton courts from the current 10.

Andover is growing in size, not reducing..

If the planners made an effort to go to the centre, say on a Monday evening, they would see all 10 courts being used. More and more people are being encouraged to keep fit and exercise, yet the proposal is to reduce the facilities by a third. Why?

The Peter Pan club with members aged 50-90 use the sports hall twice a week for badminton, table tennis and swimming and many have been referred by their GP under the ‘everybody active’ scheme. For many this is their social life. There needs to be something to keep them active and socially happy.

Someone needs to take a look at this and put it right.

David Rouse, Penton Harroway