RESIDENTS of a nursing home in Andover enjoyed a live piano duet.

Alexandra King and Selina Hepworth performed at The Andover Nursing Home, to the delight of residents and staff in attendance. The home houses around 84 residents, with almost a third taking part in the latest activity, put on by the social and activities club.

Alexandra and Selina played for the residents for 45 minutes, performing 10 pieces including the Charleston and a Tango. Alexandra and Selina have been playing together for the past two years.

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Alexandra, who is a piano teacher, said: "My mother is a resident here at the home, and she expressed an interest in hearing us play. I got in contact with the social and activities club, who were very eager to have us in to play. It's our first time playing here and I really enjoyed the show. It was a lot of fun and hopefully we could arrange to come back again."

Selina, who is a retired piano teacher, added: "It's not every day you see a piano duet, so hopefully it was something a bit different. It's just for a bit of fun so we try not to take it too seriously, but the residents seemed to enjoy listening to the live music which is great."

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Elizabeth, 30, has been working at Andover Nursing Home for six months within the social and activities club. The club runs two events a day on average for the residents.

She said: "It was lovely to be able to get Selina and Alexandra here to play for the residents. They really enjoyed it and it was lovely to listen to - they were excellent."

Elizabeth continued: "We try to cater the events and activities we organise to what our residents want to do. It's great that we are able to put on so many for the residents. We have more opportunities for events when the weather is better in summer, as we like to get out in the fresh air, so we are very much looking forward to warmer weather."